samedi 3 mars 2007

Frieeddd chicken!

I had a bunch of leftover chicken legs that I needed to get rid of so I decided to try making fried chicken. Never done it before but they turned out pretty good. Next time I will put more cayenne pepper.

First I seasoned with chili, cayenne pepper, paprika, S&P. Then I let it sit, then soaked it with buttermilk and dijon mustard. Then let it sit - then coated with flour mixed w/ baking power, garlic powder, paprika, etc.

Fried, then baked! Sort of a long process but who doesn't love some friieedd chicken?

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Of course, I had to make some mashed potatoes, and some veggies to balance out all the fried goodness.

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Add a bottle of Bordeaux - tis a good meal.

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