samedi 17 février 2007

Soupe à l'oignon

Decided to have a dinner tonight - but I did things backwards.

I served some Crescent Rolls (thanks Pillsbury - these are the best!).
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Then I made some blinis. I never knew what a blini was until I ate at the wonderful Southern French Restaurant - Côté Sud. It's like a pancake but thicker and more dense. At Côté Sud, they served blinis stuffed with smoke salmon. Was very good. I decided to make my blinis stuffed with a bit of Gruyère cheese. I topped them with some pesto. The pesto was a bit overpowering, so next time I will make a cream sauce. I initially wanted to do that but I didn't have enough time.

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And then I served LEFTOVERS! hehehe. I sliced whatever I had left of the flank steak on top of some mashed potatoes. I ran out of mushroom sauce so we ate it with Dijon mustard (my bf had it with A1 - haha)
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Then came the main dish: Soupe à l'oignon. Like I said, this meal was backwards. =)
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And finally, to hit two birds with one stone, served Affogato to satiate the dessert and espresso cravings after a savory meal. I bought this vanilla gelato from Trader Joe's. Personally, I prefer vanilla bean ice-cream versus this gelato which was too sweet and not "vanilla-beaned" enough for me. But regardless, with a shot of fresh espresso, the sweetness balanced it out.

Here's L'Erhan having Affogato for the first time.
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Made one for Carlo too.
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