mercredi 31 janvier 2007

Morrocan-esque Kabobs

I was at my mom's earlier today and ended up eating dinner there. She also taught me some traditional Chinese recipes (like "Ants Crawling Up the Tree" - hehe). It's about time I learn how to make some Chinese food! Anyway, I already had my sirloin steak marinating in the fridge since I was planning on making dinner for me and Raf later on that night. Raf didn't get home until 2030 from Sacremento - but dinner was ready and waiting for him. Yay, time for a second dinner!

Lemon, cumin, s & p, olive oil marinade.

Sirloin steak, yellow onion, tomato, mushroom kabobs.

Couscous with sunflower seeds, corn, tomato, and a basil cream dressing with a hint of lemon.

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Next time I need to lighten up on the lemon and add a bit more cumin. Otherwise, not too shabby. ;)

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